Characteristic property of the direct product module/Statement

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[ilmath]\begin{xy} \xymatrix{ & & \prod_{\alpha\in I}M_\alpha \ar[dd] \\ & & \\ M \ar[uurr]^\varphi \ar[rr]+<-0.9ex,0.15ex>|(.875){\hole} & & X_b \save (15,13)+"3,3"*+{\ldots}="udots"; (8.125,6.5)+"3,3"*+{X_a}="x1"; (-8.125,-6.5)+"3,3"*+{X_c}="x3"; (-15,-13)+"3,3"*+{\ldots}="ldots"; \ar@{->} "x1"; "1,3"; \ar@{->}_(0.65){\pi_c,\ \pi_b,\ \pi_a} "x3"; "1,3"; \ar@{->}|(.873){\hole} "x1"+<-0.9ex,0.15ex>; "3,1"; \ar@{->}_{\varphi_c,\ \varphi_b,\ \varphi_a} "x3"+<-0.9ex,0.3ex>; "3,1"; \restore } \end{xy}[/ilmath]

TODO: Description

Let [ilmath](R,*,+,0)[/ilmath] be a ring (with or without unity) and let [ilmath](M_\alpha)_{\alpha\in I} [/ilmath] be an arbitrary indexed family of [ilmath]R[/ilmath]-modules. Let [ilmath]\prod_{\alpha\in I}M_\alpha[/ilmath] be their direct product, as usual. Then[1]:
  • For any [ilmath]R[/ilmath]-module, [ilmath]M[/ilmath] and
    • For any indexed family [ilmath](\varphi_\alpha:M\rightarrow M_\alpha)_{\alpha\in I} [/ilmath] of module homomorphisms
      • There exists a unique morphism[Note 1], [ilmath]\varphi:M\rightarrow\prod_{\alpha\in I}M_\alpha[/ilmath] such that:
        • [ilmath]\forall\alpha\in I[\pi_\alpha\circ\varphi=\varphi_\alpha][/ilmath]

TODO: Link to diagram, this basically says it all though!


  1. Morphism - short for homomorphisms in the relevant category, in this case modules


  1. Abstract Algebra - Pierre Antoine Grillet