Motivation for topology
This is the most important thing on this Wiki probably, the motivation for topology.
Recall the definition of continuity, on a metric space ∀a∈X∀ϵ>0∃δ>0:x∈Bδ(a)⟹f(x)∈Bϵ(f(a))
So let us propose this:
∀open sets∈Y, f−1(that open set)
How did we get to this? Well notice the ∀a∈X
My tutor told me "and very soon we realise we can discard this notion of distance" - I think this is too strong. We are not actively looking to discard distance, we find we can side-step it. We can get by without it.
This leads to the very important theorem (so important I have given it it's own page) Continuity definitions are equivalent